Stretching program

What is a Stretching Program and Why Stretching Program is Important in Physiotherapy?

A stretching program is a routine of exercises that helps to improve the range of motion of your muscles and joints.

Stretching Programs in Physiotherapy are designed so that it helps you increase and maintain your flexibility. There are many different types of stretching program physiotherapy, but they all have the same goal - to keep your muscles, joints, and other tissues flexible.

Stretching exercises in physiotherapy can be as simple as a few minutes per day or as complex as an hour-long session three times a week. Body weight stretching, often called simply stretching or static stretching, is the most basic type of stretching. It does not have any equipment and can be done without requiring others to participate. Most people do it after a run or a bike ride on their own by relaxing their muscles and holding a stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.

TheraCure Provides the Best Stretching Program Physiotherapy in Mumbai, India

Stretching is extremely important for the body. Our muscles yield best after being warmed up through dynamic stretching. Cool down/ stretching at the end of the workout is just as important as the workout itself. When done properly, stretching helps to prevent injuries and muscle/ joint strains. Our Stretching Programs come with the particular stretches required to loosen up the tight tissues specific to your body.

Physiotherapy Stretches are a type of exercise that is designed to stretch and strengthen muscles. Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical injuries. It also helps in the pain management and other related symptoms.

Some Common Types of Stretching Program in Physiotherapy are as follows:

Static stretching: This type of stretch involves holding a muscle for about 30 seconds until you feel slight tension or tightness. You should not feel any pain during this type of stretch. This is done before an activity to increase your range of motion or after an activity to help with muscle recovery time.

Dynamic stretches: These types of stretches involve moving your body through a range of motion. These stretches are done before or after an activity and can help to reduce muscle tightness caused by sitting for long periods of time.

Passive stretches:These are stretches that don't require any effort on your part. They can be done anytime and anywhere, but it is recommended to do them at the end of a workout or when you're feeling tight.

Static stretches: These are stretches that involve holding your body in one position while stretching the muscles in that position. (Like when you lie on the floor with your legs up in the air while holding onto your shins.)

At TheraCure, our Scope of Physiotherapy includes

  • Muscle strength and muscle length evaluation & quantification
  • Recommending remedial exercises
  • Physical treatment by electrotherapy modalities like ultrasonic therapy, contrast bath, cryotherapy, hydrocollator, trans-electric muscle stimulation, also different therapeutic exercises by machines
  • Applying manual therapy, mobilization, manipulation of soft tissue techniques etc.
  • Myo-fascial release massage to lengthen tight/ contracted tissues.
  • Make an exercise folder for the client to take home.
  • Aid in-home evaluation to make the environment barrier-free and accessible.
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