Brain gym

Do you think it's amusing how we frequently complicate our children's educational experiences? It's easy for us to get caught up in devising intricate and big schemes to help them outperform other kids or satisfy specific standards, but is there a more straightforward solution? Sometimes we desire a "miracle" or "jaw-dropping" way to make our children read or solve tough arithmetic problems, but the simplest approaches may often make the largest difference in your child's learning.

Brain gym exercises can help improve a person's speech, reading, and thinking skills. They are easy to perform and can help a person learn a new task quickly.

Brain Gym Exercises have also been proven to improve people's focus and energy levels. These exercises are also beneficial in reducing stress and improving mood.

Brain gym exercises can help improve a person's speech, reading, and thinking skills. They are easy to perform and can help a person learn a new task quickly. Brain Gym Exercises have also been proven to improve people's focus and energy levels. These exercises are also beneficial in reducing stress and improving mood.

The different movement patterns of Brain Gym Activities stimulate different parts of the brain. Various kinds of exercises are available, ranging from simple to complex. Each movement pattern focuses on different learning outcomes. Therapists choose which movement patterns to administer to clients based on their assessment. A common movement pattern is the cross crawl. This movement pattern strengthens the left and right hemispheres and prepares the brain for high-level reasoning, auditory processing, organization, and other skills.

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Brain Areas to Be Targeted for Brain Gym Treatment

In today's world, we frequently see the body and the intellect as distinct entities, and we believe that movement has nothing to do with learning. Many parents and instructors believe that physical exercises are "too easy" and "too good to be true" to make a difference in a child's learning difficulties or classroom experience. It has been stated that if the software is not difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, it looks to have less value. However, we discover that basic common-sense solutions can create the most significant effects when we go beyond our limiting thinking.

Brain gym consists of Movements that directly target and stimulate the brain to assist youngsters in reaching their academic potential. Brain Gym's concept is to employ physical movement to access various sections of the brain. Parents and instructors can use these movement patterns to assist their kids or students with behavior, comprehension/retention, organization, executive function, and communication.

Areas of the Brain to Be Targeted Targeting Area of Education Targeting Movement Purpose Brain Gyms
Laterality Auditory, note-taking, speech, recall, critical thinking, solving problems, and creativity Midline Purpose Cross Crawls
Centering Focus, attention, restless, following directions, listening to the teacher, and executive functioning Energy Exercise Brain Buttons
Focus Anxiety, nervousness, temper outbursts, meltdowns, sensory overload Lengthening Exercise Hook Ups

We offer brain gym treatment in Mumbai, for

brain gym in Mumbai

brain gym in Mumbai

brain gym for kids in Mumbai

brain gym for kids in Mumbai

brain gym activities in Mumbai

brain gym activities in Mumbai

brain gym exercises for kids in Mumbai

brain gym exercises for kids in Mumbai

brain gym exercises for adults in Mumbai

brain gym exercises for adults in Mumbai

brain gym for adults in Mumbai

brain gym for adults in Mumbai

Brain Gym Movement Exercise

There are many brain gym benefits. These three easy Brain Gym exercises can stimulate the child's mind to learn higher concepts, which may aid the kids in areas of development. Every activity is conducted at the child's pace and for as long as necessary to ensure that the exercise is beneficial. Brain gym consists of 26 movement patterns, each targeting specific outcomes, and the therapist will choose which pattern to administer to the client based on the assessment.

Cross Crawls
Cross crawls are essential activities you can perform with your child. This activity aims to strengthen connectivity among the left and right hemispheres of the brain in preparation for high-level reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving, auditory, organization, and more.

Brain Button
Brain buttons increase blood flow to the brain and engage the Reticular Activating System or RAS, your child's internal alarm that signals the brain it needs to be alert for learning. Its objective is to awaken the kid and help them stay aware, especially if they are slow, fidgety, or prone to low energy or concentration.

Brain Hook Ups
Hook-Ups exercises are Brain Gym Exercises For Adults and children that are intended for experiencing significant stress, panic, tantrums, or sensory overload. It's an excellent practice for relaxing the body and teaching your kids to manage their breath. This activity can be done standing (recommended), sitting, or lying back on the floor.

At TheraCure, our Scope of Physiotherapy includes

  • Muscle strength and muscle length evaluation & quantification
  • Recommending remedial exercises
  • Physical treatment by electrotherapy modalities like ultrasonic therapy, contrast bath, cryotherapy, hydrocollator, trans-electric muscle stimulation, also different therapeutic exercises by machines
  • Applying manual therapy, mobilization, manipulation of soft tissue techniques etc.
  • Myo-fascial release massage to lengthen tight/ contracted tissues.
  • Make an exercise folder for the client to take home.
  • Aid in-home evaluation to make the environment barrier-free and accessible.
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