Sport Physiotherapy

The goal of Sports Physiotherapy is to help patients recover from injury and return to normal activities. Sports Physiotherapist uses evaluations and tools to confirm an injury and help patients develop a recovery plan. Our sports physiotherapist can also help treat injuries and illnesses that are not immediately apparent. Theracure encourage living an active lifestyle to help people maintain and improve their quality of life.
Athletes of all ages and skill levels can certainly benefit from the assistance of sports and exercise physiotherapists in improving their performance. The primary responsibility of a sports physiotherapist is to treat and rehabilitate injuries as well as support performance through interventions for injury prevention, maintenance, and recovery.

How does Sports Physiotherapy Work?

Athletes with sports injuries are treated by physiotherapists. After determining the injury Sports Physiotherapists create a plan to enhance the affected area's flexibility and functionality. We also offer guidance on how to prevent injuries.
Sports physiotherapists work as part of a multidisciplinary team to improve an athlete's performance by analyzing the athlete's physical and performance-related background. We can then offer advice or take action to improve performance in a particular activity.

Sport Physiotherapy

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What is the purpose of Sports Physiotherapy?

  • Physiotherapy Treatments for Injuries
Physiotherapy is an effective, safe treatment for sports injuries. It involves several treatments designed to improve an injured area and the entire body, while also helping prevent future injuries. The main objective of physiotherapy is to help a patient return to normal activities quickly and safely. A physical therapist will use various methods, such as massage and stretching, to treat the injured area. Some of these methods include ultrasound, which delivers vibrations to the tissues.

  • Physiotherapy Treatment for Illnesses
Physiotherapy is a treatment method that helps people recover from physical injuries and illnesses in sports. It works by strengthening muscles that are under-used and by using a combination of exercises. Physiotherapists help athletes improve their balance and stability, and they can also help prevent future problems. Sports physiotherapy is important because it helps athletes prepare for physically demanding games and helps them recover from injuries. The benefits of physiotherapy for sports are numerous, and they can help athletes maximize their potential.

  • Physiotherapy Treatment for Aches and Pains
A physiotherapy treatment for aches and pains in sport involves a combination of exercises, massage, and manipulation techniques. These techniques help to improve range of motion and strengthen surrounding muscles to prevent further injury.

We offer Sports Physiotherapy in Mumbai

Sports Physiotherapy treatment in Mumbai

Sports Injury Treatment in Mumbai

Sports Physiotherapy treatment in Mumbai

Sports Physiotherapy in Mumbai

Sports Physiotherapy treatment in Mumbai

Sports Injury Physiotherapy in Mumbai

At TheraCure, our Scope of Physiotherapy includes

  • Muscle strength and muscle length evaluation & quantification
  • Recommending remedial exercises
  • Physical treatment by electrotherapy modalities like ultrasonic therapy, contrast bath, cryotherapy, hydrocollator, trans-electric muscle stimulation, also different therapeutic exercises by machines
  • Applying manual therapy, mobilization, manipulation of soft tissue techniques etc.
  • Myo-fascial release massage to lengthen tight/ contracted tissues.
  • Make an exercise folder for the client to take home.
  • Aid in-home evaluation to make the environment barrier-free and accessible.
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