
The Kinesiotaping Method elevates the skin to improve lymphatic drainage and relieve pain. It lifts the skin, creating more interstitial space, enhances the blood flow to the tissues, and lessens the inflammation in the injured area. The Kinesiotaping method uses Kinesiotape based on examination and assessment to mandate a specific application based on research and years of clinical practice.

Kinesiotaping treatments are used in a variety of ways, including pain management and inflammation, facilitating post-surgical recovery, maximizing performance, avoiding injury, and promoting excellent circulation.

How Does Kinesiotaping Work?

Kinesiotape is made using a unique cotton and nylon combination. It stimulates the skin's flexibility, allowing you to use your whole range of motion. KT Tape Knee is a medical-grade tape used to help with knee pain.
The medical-grade stickiness on the tape is also water-resistant and durable enough to stay on for 3 to 5 days, even if you work out or take a bath. As the tape is put over the skin, it pulls back slightly, softly lifting your skin. It is thought to help create a tiny gap between your skin and the tissues beneath it. Kinesiotape is highly stretchable.


Kinesiotaping Knee, Kinesiotaping for Knee Pain, Kinesio Tape Knee Swelling, Knee Taping Techniques, Kinesiology For Knee Pain, Taping Techniques For Knee Pain, Kinesiology Tape For Knee Injury, Kinesiotaping Mumbai.

What Is The Purpose Of Kinesiotaping?

Kinesiotape, for example, can be used to address head and neck posture. A 2017 study backs up its use in assisting stroke victims in improving their walking. Physiotherapist believe this is because of the Proprioceptive and tactile input of tape on your skin, which might make you more conscious of how you're standing or moving.

Kinesiotaping for Knee Pain

Kinesiology Tape For Knee Injury has been shown in studies to be effective in reducing knee pain and improving the ability to perform activities such as climbing stairs and walking.

Reduces pain/ tenderness: In general, kinesiology tape aids in creating neural circuitry and equilibrium in muscles, tendons, joints, and skin. It can help reduce pain and swelling and enhance muscular performance and function.

Reduces Swelling: If you have had an accident or operation that has caused significant swelling, kinesiology tape may reduce swelling by reducing the pressure between the skin and the underlying tissues. It allows extra fluids that have collected since your injury to pass through. Kinesiology tape is occasionally used to treat lymphedema or superficial contusions.

Helps release tight muscle: Kinesiotape promotes quicker muscle recovery, reduces cramps and spasms, and inhibits overstretching or over-contraction of muscles, and improves muscle tone and strength. Proper taping works effectively even for weaker muscles. Kinesiotaping for muscle strains reduces pain and fatigue and prevents cramps, overstretching, and over-contractions.

Improving athletic performance by supporting unstable joints and facilitating surrounding muscles.

We offer Kinesiotaping treatments in Mumbai, for

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shoulder kinesiotaping in Mumbai

tape knee kinesiology treatment in Mumbai

knee kinesiotaping in Mumbai

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tape knee swelling kinesiology treatment in Mumbai

knee swelling kinesiotaping in Mumbai

tape for knee pain kinesiology treatment in Mumbai

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tape neck pain kinesiology treatment in Mumbai

neck pain kinesiotaping in Mumbai

At TheraCure, our Scope of Physiotherapy includes

  • Muscle strength and muscle length evaluation & quantification
  • Recommending remedial exercises
  • Physical treatment by electrotherapy modalities like ultrasonic therapy, contrast bath, cryotherapy, hydrocollator, trans-electric muscle stimulation, also different therapeutic exercises by machines
  • Applying manual therapy, mobilization, manipulation of soft tissue techniques etc.
  • Myo-fascial release massage to lengthen tight/ contracted tissues.
  • Make an exercise folder for the client to take home.
  • Aid in-home evaluation to make the environment barrier-free and accessible.
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